Frank, isn't it just called a Df?
I must admit that I really enjoyed using my FM2n, FE2, and FM3a (or was it really the FE3m, LOL), so I can understand how others might wish there was a "D" version of these delightful cameras from the past.
However, one can look backwards too much and the rear screen and information available to the image creation process is something that the new paradigm does really well.
I for one do not want to go back to the past. I have no problem with the continuance of the rangefinder in the Leicas, but silly I think to dumb the body so far down by tearing out the rear screen and all that it has to offer. That said, I wonder how many of these machines will ever be used as serious image capturing tools? Perhaps it is remarkable that they even come with a sensor at all, given that many will never get off the collectors shelves or out of their cupboards.