Thanks everyone for your nice comments. The butterfly was pleasing to me because it was so young and unsullied. It's wings were complete and freshly colored, not chewed up and dull the way these creatures so often look as the summer progresses toward fall. This one was a real spring beauty!
Armando, in response to how I post process to make it look right on the web, I have to say I'm not really sure. Each picture is different but all are processed to some degree with Capture NX2. I find what I mostly use (sparingly) is contrast/brightness and/or saturation and very occasionally localize corrections with control points. Other than that, not much else except never to sharpen until after I downsize, finally ending the process by converting the nef to a jpeg. I also use a nec monitor that I try to keep calibrated.
I'm going to need an alternative to Capture NX2 when I get a new camera at some point, and quite frankly learning something new is a daunting if not a downright, depressing prospect. Suggestions are always welcome.