Author Topic: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm  (Read 3183 times)


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After seeing the excellent images others (especially Mongo) have produced with this new zoom, I had to try for myself.  Shortly after receiving it I took it for a stroll along the fish pond in my current RV park to capture a bit of the local bird life.  First some stills of:

A pair of colorful ducks, known locally as mud ducks, surveying their options from the fishing pier
A Blue heron, looking for lunch
A Green heron (about one-half the size of the blue) hunting in the water plants

Bill Oliver


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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 23:13:00 »
A first attempt at serious BIFs, which made it clear that more practice and improved stalking skills are in order:

Mud duck spooked from earlier platform (both flew off together, but the second OOF one was cropped)

Two shots of Blue Heron cruising low from one fishing spot to another

Bill Oliver

Jakov Minić

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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2016, 01:08:27 »
Bill, the first one is hilarious :)
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Frank Fremerey

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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 01:19:02 »
I am with Jakov here. The Sigma 2.8/200-500 is 23.500 Euros and you need two servants to carry it.
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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 02:04:40 »
These look great Bill - and your only just starting to get the hang of this lens.

Love the colour in #1. Mongo's favourite is #3 for clarity/sharpness/detail, subject matter and framing. Very nice use of DOF.

Mongo was very keen to see how to did with BIF. You seem to have had no trouble acquiring and holding focus. That is an excellent start.

You must tell us a little of what you think of this lens overall when you have ad an opportunity to have a really good trial with it. So far, it looks very good indeed.


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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2016, 03:47:15 »
Bill, the first one is hilarious :)
Thank you Jakov.  The coloring was what first caught my attention.  As I tried to sneak up on them, they moved around into a variety of "poses".  This was the most interesting.

I am with Jakov here. The Sigma 2.8/200-500 is 23.500 Euros and you need two servants to carry it.
Thank you Frank.  I have seen the listings for that Sigma here in the US and could never justify that kind of money.  It is more than I paid for a new Honda CR-V SUV.  I also have serious doubts about the need to pay  for such a fast lens with today's cameras.  The cleanest, sharpest image of this group is the third one which was made at ISO 3200 on the D600.  Except for very special circumstances, that ISO performance negates the need for an f2.8 lens for me.
Bill Oliver


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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2016, 04:12:29 »
These look great Bill - and your only just starting to get the hang of this lens.

Love the colour in #1. Mongo's favourite is #3 for clarity/sharpness/detail, subject matter and framing. Very nice use of DOF.

Mongo was very keen to see how to did with BIF. You seem to have had no trouble acquiring and holding focus. That is an excellent start.

You must tell us a little of what you think of this lens overall when you have ad an opportunity to have a really good trial with it. So far, it looks very good indeed.

Thank you Mongo.  With your skill and experience  I regard this as the highest praise.

Interestingly, the duck's colors in #1 are muted compared to the original (legs and beak should be the same and the brown feathers had more red in them) but my LR skills still fail me.

I too found #3 to be the best of the group in terms of overall sharpness, etc. which was a bit of a surprise as this was in twilight with auto iso pushed up to 3200.  The only explanation at this point is that, being left eye dominant, I was able to cradle the lens in the crook of my left arm which added an extra degree of stability even with the VR on.  That and a good deal of serendipity.

The one issue I have with the BIF's is that I have yet to figure out how to maintain really good focus on the head/eye area (with body still in focus) without stopping down a good deal and pushing the ISO into the noise realm.
Bill Oliver

Frank Fremerey

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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2016, 10:01:25 »
Thank you Frank.  I have seen the listings for that Sigma here in the US and could never justify that kind of money.  It is more than I paid for a new Honda CR-V SUV.  I also have serious doubts about the need to pay  for such a fast lens with today's cameras.  The cleanest, sharpest image of this group is the third one which was made at ISO 3200 on the D600.  Except for very special circumstances, that ISO performance negates the need for an f2.8 lens for me.

In a shop in town the lens hangs from the ceiling. It is sooooo huge, you need the mentioned car as a "rolling tripod".

10 days ago I bought the 5.6/200-500G AF-S and hauled it around Scotland. I know there are more heavy lenses.

The combination with the D500 is really intriguing. Fast and reliable. Look:
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Bruno Schroder

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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2016, 22:57:40 »
#3, the Green Heron emerging from the colored mesh of water plants works very well.
Bruno Schröder

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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2016, 00:59:05 »
Good one Frank.

Thank you Bruno.
Bill Oliver


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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2016, 02:05:35 »
Bill, the first one is hilarious :)

I echo Jakov.  A very fitting as an opening image for the lovely set of the images.
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Re: A stroll around the local fish pond with new 200-500mm
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2016, 19:06:32 »
Thank you Akira.

Here is another of the small heron with its catch.   It is a rather severe crop, as the little fellow apparently didn't want to share so kept running away when I tried to approach  :D.  However, I thought it worthwhile for the size of its appetite.

Bill Oliver