Hello from Southern California.
Been a Nikon user since 1970, buying a new Nikon F that year and slowly working my way into the system. Today, nearly fifty years later, I have acquired a vast number of Nikkor lenses--both as a collector and user. I have focal lengths running from 7.5mm f/5.6 Fisheye to the 1000mm Reflex-Nikkor. I routinely leave the 17-35mm f/2.8 on my D3 most of the time, and prefer things in the wide angle direction. I have the elusive AIS 13mm f/5.6 Nikkor, and I actually use it!
Much of my global travels are captured on Google Earth via Panoramio. Within Panoramio I'm identified as Edgy01. My most visited image is an 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye-Nikkor image taken on an F5 body at the center of Stonehenge in the UK, looking straight up at the sky with the stones along the periphery.
Been using motor driven Nikons since I bought my first F36 motor drive in 1972. I have a couple of Nikon Fs, an F2T, a couple of F3Ts, and a D2X and D3. I also have a couple of Leicaflex cameras (including SL Mot) and Leica MP. I was a Hasselblad user for a short period of time but moved on when I saw the quality of the full-frame digital Nikons.