Author Topic: 55mm 1.2 screw type  (Read 2105 times)


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55mm 1.2 screw type
« on: May 11, 2016, 00:18:02 »
Could anyone tell me the specs of the set screw that holds on the ID ring on a pre-AI 55mm 1.2? The screw on mine was a bit proud, and when I went to tighten it, one half of the head sheared off. I'd like to replace it, if possible. Thanks in advance.


  • Cute Panda from the East...
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Re: 55mm 1.2 screw type
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 01:48:45 »
It happens from time to time so never over tighten these. there are also times when the screws are too old they will just split in 2 as you remove it. :o :o :o
these are M1.4X2 screws or M1.4X1.7, I am currently restocking on screws and if you can just wait, I can just give you 1 for free. It takes me a long time to restock because it is a pain for me to travel to the screw factory.


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Re: 55mm 1.2 screw type
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2016, 02:16:27 »
That's incredibly generous of you, Richard. I'll happily take you up on your offer! Send me a message whenever you restock the screws, and I'll pay the shipping. What you describe is exactly what happened: I backed out the screw to make sure it wasn't cross-threaded, and as soon as I turned it clockwise to put it back in, the head split in half. Again, thank you for your generosity. It is much appreciated.


  • Cute Panda from the East...
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Re: 55mm 1.2 screw type
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2016, 02:23:29 »
that's fine. these are expensive (in bulk) but if you just wanted (1) piece, i would not mind hahaha :o :o :o

friends sometimes would come to my house or mail me and buy/ask for a few and before i know it i am running low! but that is OK, they have helped me too in other cases.

now, all i need to know is which 55mm you have. is the screw short like it usually is or is it longer like the 2mm ones used for larger lenses?

i have a 55mm repair guide somewhere on my site:

is this the same as yours? this guide is pretty complete as it also covers the iris assembly overhaul


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Re: 55mm 1.2 screw type
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2016, 02:40:44 »
My 55mm is the scalloped ring Nikkor-S 55mm f/1.2. According to my calipers, the screw is 2.47mm long, from head to tip.

I've read your 55mm repair guide in the past and found it very informative. I haven't opened up the lens entirely, so I'm not sure if it disassembles identically to the version you worked on, but I believe the only difference is external. I'll find out soon though, as I plan to open it up and relubricate it. When changing focus directions the focus ring knocks slightly, and the finder image jumps. I think there is probably some slack in the helicoid that needs to be filled with lubricant. When I get to that point, I'll be sure to follow your guide.