I've just come back from a trip where, a few images in, I see that instead of just saving each file as a .NEF, it started saving a .JPG too. This is on a D300.
Sure enough the Image Quality menu saws RAW + JPG, but it's in a place I hardly ever visit (and I didn't knowingly go into the menus at all on this trip).
I'm wondering if you've ever come across this when a CF card is near to failing? I'd cleared old images off the card before going away and also seen strange behaviour I'd never come across when importing the images to HD using Lightroom. I found a duplicate of each image on the destination drive (see below).
Because I'd been in a hurry, I wondered if I'd interrupted LR before it had finished and that these extra files were something it did part way through the import process, before finally clearing them down?
But does this indicate a problem brewing somewhere else?