Erik and Chris,
There many photographs here which are really wonderful. I must admit however, that the Fisheye images are truly stunning. You gentlemen, really know how to use these lenses.
Chris, What is the angle of view of the Sigma lens? I assume that one could NOT use the Nikon lens as shown with you lying on the ground since it is a 220 degree lens. In the mountains behind our home, there are some wonderful stands of tall, perfectly white Aspen trees which have a brilliant orange-yellow foliage in the fall. I tried you approach with my 14-24 Nikkor but it didn't come our like yours.
Thanks to everyone for posting these really wonderful images. I really like the shots, of Erik taking the Kayak pictures at Glencoe and then the resulting photos which he took. Nice to see what is happening.
this is good viewing and reading.