Dumps don't sadden me, people and creatures scavenging dumps saddens me.
I actually like all the science and social interaction surrounding "sanitary landfills". The layers of clay protecting the water table, an extensive leachate systems collecting all the drippings, all the designed dirt moving sealing in the daily collection and the outreach campaigns belching out messages and instructions on recycle and reuse. In Los Angeles, we are decades into recycling and Los Angeles County, (11 million peoples), are diverting approximately 60% of the waste stream away from landfills. At home, we generate maybe a pound or two a week of actual waste/landfill stuff. Mainly the droppings from the pooches daily walks and the odd packaging which is not recyclable. (I pick up the pooch poop vis-a-vis those plastic bags which encase the daily newspaper).
It is almost impossible to get a landfill permitted in California ... Which sorta drives and mandates the entire waste diversion plans. Retired landfills are used for golf courses and parks.
I also compost and verniculture my organic wastes and mulch the woody stuff.