Author Topic: Nikkor PC-E lenses  (Read 7753 times)

Bjørn J

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Nikkor PC-E lenses
« on: June 11, 2015, 15:12:44 »
After trying Bjørn R's 24mm PC-E two years ago I have wanted tilt/shift lenses myself, and finally a few days ago I got both the 24 mm and 85mm. I haven't had much time to use them a lot, but I have done som reading on the Scheimpflug principle and the theory behind T/S lenses. My primarly use for the 24 will be landscape, mostly with tilt function, and architecture, with shift.
The 85 will probably mostly be used for product photography, and for taking photos of flat art (paintings and such), maybe with shift and stitching to increase resolution. It also has a "macro" function down to 1:2.
I have already found out that these lenses forces me to work slowly, which is a good thing. Slow photography often increases the possibilty to get good, well-considered photos.
They seem to be of very high quality, both optically and mechanically, and they are versatile lenes as they can be used as a regular lens, a shifted lens and a tilted lens. Three in one! (Actually four as I can combine shift and tilt :) )

Does anybody here have any experience with T/S lenses and would like to share some tips? Is it for example a good idea to have them modified so tilt and shift are on the same axis? Any other things I need to be aware of?

Bjørn J
Bjørn Jørgensen

Erik Lund

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2015, 15:30:46 »

Indeed slow pace is mandatory and probably tripod and and set up level.

I have had issues with ND filters on the old 28mm f/4 PC with color casts so watch out for that...

Erik Lund

Ilkka Nissilä

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2015, 16:53:56 »
I've used the PC-E Nikkors as soon as they became available and am still very enthusiastic about them.

At first I made many small mistakes but in a few years of use, they become less common. With the 24mm PC-E you must be aware of focus and how it varies in different parts of the image. When I start making an image, I set the composition approximately correctly and then make adjustments to the movements, and possibly adjust the angle of the optical axis a bit depending on the situation. If I aim for having trees and buildings without keystoning, I adjust the angle of the camera according to the virtual horizon. This I find to be a good start.

To set focus and the tilt angle, I approximately focus and set the tilt first using the optical viewfinder until I'm satisfied. Then I make final focus adjustment and check using live view. If I start using live view then it is for me too slow a process to achieve the correct tilt angle, and I get frustrated, so I find the optical viewfinder useful for this. In the D810 it is possible to zoom into two areas along the long axis of the image so this can be used to adjust tilt and focus but this doesn't work if the camera is in horizontal orientation and the ground surface in the typical direction. Anyway, my two-step process has worked for me well in recent years.

With the 85mm I sometimes combine tilt with focus stacking to get everything in focus that needs to be in focus. Often for 1:2 close-ups even f/11 isn't enough, if the subject is not exactly planar. However, I still find the tilt very useful especially in the photography of ice.

Hmm. When shooting architecture, for large buildings I find that the field curvature of the 24mm PC-E can be a challenge. It is important to use a small enough aperture in that case, and carefully optimize where it is that you focus exactly using the live view. Also, make sure that there is not "negative" convergence of verticals when photographing buildings and shifting up: it is usually better to have slight residual positive convergence rather than zero or negative, as the brain sees this looks weird if the top of the building is wider than the bottom. Once properly optimized the results have been good.

I use the PC-E Nikkors in the factory default orientation. I find I would have use just as often for this orientation as the other, so I have not seen a compelling reason to have the modification performed. I hope that at some point we get a 24 PC-E with imcreased circle of coverage as well as less field curvature. The 85mm PC-E to be honest I would be happy if the added ED glass to it, to give that extra punch in the colours for landscape and close-ups. As a whole, I like all three lenses very much, although I must say that initially there was some struggle in using them. I hope for 17mm and 120/135mm PC-E Nikkors in the future.  :)

Bjørn J

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2015, 17:19:28 »
Thanks for helpful information!
I can't wait to start using these lenses. One thing, as you have the 85mm: On my sample there is a slight "slack" in the focusing when I turn the focusing ring slightly back and forth to achieve focus. The slack is maybe one or two millimeters only, and even if it is annoyning, it is still possible to get proper focus.
On the 24mm there is absolutely no slack, but this has a different construction as the front part of the lens does not move when focusing, whereas on the 85 there is a lot of glass to be moved when focusing.
So I wonder if your 85mm is totally tight, with zero slack when you adjust focus by moving the ring slightly back and forth.

Bjørn J
Bjørn Jørgensen

Ilkka Nissilä

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2015, 17:43:23 »
I have very tight focusing ring on the 85mm PC-E. No slack.


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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2015, 21:59:26 »
I first used second hand shift-only lenses, 28/3.5 and 35/2.8. They are relatively small and well-built. The "slow photography" lessons I took, especially with the 28/3.5, were quite useful in general and made photography even more enjoyable. The 28 in particular was my walkaround lens when first discovering Tokyo. Fond memories, and many a "creative" shot resulted.

But the optical quality was not overwhelming (the 28 is not that good, really, especially... when shifted). So I got the 45 and some time later the 24. These are not really walkaround lenses (although the 24 made a Berlin trip mounted on my D800). I quickly learned to get proper shots without tripod and without fiddling too much : the TiltLens app for iPhone is useful indeed. I nearly never used LV for fine tuning, and even did a portrait session with the 45 (essentially to achieve selective blur, so the settings need less accuracy).

I see no compelling need to change the relative orientation of tilt and shift axis, on the contrary: when for instance shooting a building at an angle with the camera set horizontally, the shift will take care of the sharpness along a vertical axis, while the tilt will make sure that the building façade (if shot obliquely) is uniformly sharp.

Funniest trick (for newbies) is to shoot, say, a garden wide open and get a horizontal focus plane, with everything above and below getting blurred. But that's a bit too artificial to really become interesting.

Tilt is however useful for night shots, allowing good DOF along the selected focus plane while avoiding small apertures and therefore high ISOs.

I was not overly bothered by the field curvature of the 24/3.5. I was however delighted by its resistance to flare that rarely gets mentioned.
Airy Magnien

Bjørn J

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2015, 22:10:52 »
Thanks Airy, good to hear that the 24 is flare-resistant.
Bjørn Jørgensen

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2015, 22:35:01 »
Another tidbit of information is that the 24 PC-E excels in IR work as well.


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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2015, 17:09:16 »
An example showing the resistance to flare. The original shot :

Processed to reveal the details in the interesting parts :

By the way, the verticals have been made parallel and the result is that they seem to diverge towards the top. As you have stated, it is better to have some slight residual convergence so that the shot looks "natural".
Airy Magnien

Bjørn J

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2015, 17:25:22 »
Airy, unfortunately the images are not visible. Is that only me, can others see them?
Bjørn Jørgensen


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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2015, 19:43:23 »
I for sure can. Are only the two images in the last post invisible ?
Airy Magnien

Erik Lund

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2015, 19:52:36 »
Yes they are not there...
Erik Lund


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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2015, 20:03:26 »
I edited the post with the two pics. OK now ?
Airy Magnien


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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2015, 20:10:48 »
ok for me at least

Bjørn J

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Re: Nikkor PC-E lenses
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2015, 20:19:11 »
Thanks Airy, good example of the flare resistance.
Bjørn Jørgensen