A while ago I started to use photo stitching software and am amazed at the possibilities.
In our spare time; my wife & I search for ancient Australian aboriginal rock engraving sites.
Most of the sites are in remote locations and so require several hours of bashing through the Australian bush.
The sites can get quite large, making it difficult to photograph them.
Ideally, the best way would be to use a drone............but lugging around a drone for hours on-end isn't worth the effort.
So we're trying the stitching method.
The images below (one highlights the engravings) are made up of well over 100 individual shots and are then assembled in a really neat program by Microsoft 'Image Composite Editor'. Oh and the best part, the software is free for windows users

The area shown is roughly 6 meters x 4 meters.
Images were shot with a D7000 & AF-Nikkor 50mm f/1.4.