All - very nice photos. Having recently moved from a DX to FX camera I need a general-purpose wide AF lens, and these photos speak well of the 17-35 f/2.8. I find the sturdy build of this lens, and the aperture ring, appealing compared to the 16-35 mm f/4 and the 18-35 mm f/3.5-4.5 G lenses.
JJ - I'm intrigued by your Australian farm/landscape photos, and trying to place them. I'm guessing New South Wales, but mainly because I've travelled through the NSW central west a lot and am not nearly so familiar with country Victoria (or Queensland). Assuming I'm not completely wrong (which I could well be ...) I'd guess perhaps somewhere near the Lachlan - Young? Cowra? Grenfell?. Or maybe further north towards Dubbo? Anyway, I'll enjoy discovering how far off I am.
Cheers, John