Yes, I wish this stuff would go underground here.
New areas have underground wiring in the US. But in older areas, the expense prevents retrofitting to place wires underground.
Also, it is not always feasible in many areas near the shore (around where I live) because stuff too easily gets flooded out. Maintenance is more difficult underground in such areas.
When you are out walking around in my neighborhood, the wiring is not nearly so obvious as it is in the posted photo.
Because I shot it to be that way.
It was just pure luck that the runner happened by when I was all set up.
You have to grab hold of art when it is zipping past you.
Akira, Pentax makes a beautiful M42 mount adapter which sits just inside the K-mount on the body. Pentax did not change the flange focal distance when moving from M42 screw-mount to bayonet K-mount. So there is a whole lovely host of old M42 and Asahi lenses to enjoy on the K5 (or other Pentax bodies.) I really like Pentax.