A couple of days ago I picked up this lens to use for portrait work. I knew some of the issues with this lens beforehand, but I went ahead and bought it anyway. CA end front focus are known issues. The first one is relatively easy to deal with, but the latter can be more problematic, especially if the front focus falls outside the range of AF-microadjust in the camera. Overall I am satisfied with color, sharpness and the other features of this lens, but this is a lens who beg to be used wide open, thus the AF need to be spot on. Which it was on my Df. The D750 gave me a slightly front focused image so I had to give it +5 micro adjustment, but the D4s was way off. Even after +20 the image was slightly off at f2. When focusing on the eye I barely reach focus when using f2,4 and up. I know this seems like a problem that is not relevant for the majority of people on this planet, but I´m asking for advice anyway. Should this lens be sent to nikon for adjustment or should I try to adjust for this when picking the point of focus? In normal portrait range this is possible, but at infinity it might possess a bigger problem. What would you do? The first picture is taken at f5,6 the last at f2,2. Minimal PP.