Sorry saw your post a bit late, Øivind.
The 11-27.5 UW kit zoom malfunctioned on one of the AW1 bodies, causing the camera to lock up. I detected some moisture inside which probably led to the issue. After drying out the lens and camera, and relubricate the O-ring, the camera did commence operation, but with that particular lens it shut down again once the zoom exceed ~15mm setting. More drying out and discarding the lens as faulty made the camera operative (with other 1 Series Nikkors). I restricted the camera to terrestrial use from here on and apparently it delivers the goods again.
The second camera again showed a leak through the main O-ring and started to lock up intermittently. I again dried it and relubricated and it seems fine with the 10/2.8 UW lens, but not the replacement 11-27.5 UW. Oh well. Anyway I now have three AW1, one which is unreliable most of the time, one which usually works, and finally, the third that for the present can be relied upon. My standing stock of 11-27.5 kit UW lenses have shrunk to 2, plus 1 junked lens used for experimential purposes and a fourth lens that I don't trust so only use above water.
I should add that some of these issues might have been my own fault, directly or indirectly, as with my recent very long hair, tiny shredded strands easily can interfere with the mounts and seals on the AW1 bodies. However I now keep one AW1 permanently with its 11-27.5 kit lenbs and the other with the 10/2.8 exclusively. Thus no swapping of lenses occur for either body. I do relubricate the seals before the "new" season trying very carefully to avoid leakage issues.