Thanks Eric, Mongo,
A small retouch.......opened up her hair a bit and a small tummy tuck.
Thanks you Almass, she has a 4 month old baby, she would like what you did
Elsa, thanks so much for commenting, you have a point, I would need to copy paste the edge of the window from another shot, this one is to close to the edge and without distortion correction of my "fine" 24-85 zoom there is only a bright curve showing on the right of the image, that does not resemble a wall or window edge
She does tend to pose funny at times, your humor sometimes reminds me of a Pink Floyd song
"Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly
You're never gonna die,
You're gonna make it if you try
They're gonna love you"
Thanks again for all the comments