I think it could be really informative to share how we all approach sharpening. What are your go to settings/guidlines? How to you adjust it? Tell us your philosophy/attitude towards sharpening, then tell us the details!
I use sharpening to make fine detail more crisp, but leave the overall sharpness to the lens itself. I used to sharpen globally, but have come to enjoy a more natural look. The way I sharpen now is not very apparent unless printed/viewed at a decent size, but downsizing 24mp's I feel adds enough edge acuity to make up for it on regular web sized images.
I do my sharpening when processing the raw, I have ACR 9. I view the image at 100% looking at an area containing fine detail and some are containing as little detail as possible while still having some texture if possible. Close up on the eye and cheek, or a my focal point and some bokeh does well. I nearly always have the Radius at .5 and Detail set ~12. I then adjust the Amount to crispen detail without going close enough to cause jaggies or even the most minimal of halos. Depending on the image, this can put the Amount at 30-90. After that, I adjust the Masking as high as possible without effecting the sharpening on the fine detail of the image to ensure I do not accentuate grain or make skin texture more apparent. It amounts to moderate sharpening on only the finest hard detail. From there I do no extra sharpening, and never use luminance noise reduction, only color.