Author Topic: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras  (Read 26626 times)

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2020, 14:23:08 »
In broad  daylight, I was better in a position to assess the focusing capabilities of my makeshift dapter. Turns out it does allow the 10 OP to go all the way from (beyond) infinity to as close as one physically can bring the lens, meaning literally to the surface of the front element.


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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2020, 21:49:55 »
Thanks Birna for your input:
I also had the impression that the DOF is not as large as I expected it to be at f/5,6. For close-ups the lens needed to be stopped down exacerbated by the fact that the reach towards the closer end is not as good as I'd like to have it.

Havent thought of equipping the lens with a focussing unit instead of the adapter
OK now I could make use of my K3 ring, If i manage to get a suitable focussing helicoid and a M42/Z adapter that is flat enough
In case of success the second FTZ adapter will remain usable anyway
Wolfgang Rehm

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2020, 22:17:04 »
The exact parts used for the focusing helicoid intended for old Fisheye Nikkors:

1. A standard K-3 ring

2. A 12-31mm M42 helicoid (eBay, many similar, but select the narrow range as the helicoid needs to compress to a maximum to give infinity focus)

3. M42-52 step-up ring (a flat version, preferably)

4. A Petri M42 adapter + stock factory Z bayonet + epoxy glue  to make a flat M42-Z adapter. Probably something similar should be commercially available.

I already had made several of the part (4) so spent most time rummaging through my bins to find parts (1)-(3) :)


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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2020, 22:28:32 »
The exact parts used for the focusing helicoid intended for old Fisheye Nikkors:

1. A standard K-3 ring

2. A 12-31mm M42 helicoid (eBay, many similar, but select the narrow range as the helicoid needs to compress to a maximum to give infinity focus)

3. M42-52 step-up ring (a flat version, preferably)

4. A Petri M42 adapter + stock factory Z bayonet + epoxy glue  to make a flat M42-Z adapter. Probably something similar should be commercially available.

I already had made several of the part (4) so spent most time rummaging through my bins to find parts (1)-(3) :)

Thanks for the additional advice. The crucial issue probably is to get the adapters (#3 and  #4) flat enough
Wolfgang Rehm

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2020, 23:36:57 »
The M42-52 step-up ring should be pretty flat in most versions.

For the M42-Z, I can if need be make more of these provided I have available parts.

Edit: the Petri M42 adapter probably can be made superfluous or replaced by any flat M42 adapter that will fit into a stock Z bayonet. I can easily order more of these bayonets from Nikon, if there is any interest in such a project.

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2020, 14:06:39 »
An adapter overview ....

This admittedly crude and ad-hoc solution works with all my old fix-focus Fisheye-Nikkors, providing them with  a truly extended focusing range from infinity down to the surface of the front element. Just have to learn to be careful to avoid bumping the lens into something when it is close to the subject. That in particular is necessary for the 10 OP as its front element is quite soft and easily marks.


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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2020, 22:29:19 »
Thanks Birna for the picture and for the offer to make more adapters.
At first I need to get a proper 12-31 mm helicoid.

I also experienced that the 10mm Fisheye needs extreme care when trying to get close- for not getting contact, better start at close distance and move away
Did not know that the front element is that soft- so far I managed to avoid complications.
Wolfgang Rehm

Steinar Kibsgaard

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Re: Old Fisheye Nikkor lenses on Nikon Z mirrorless cameras
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2023, 23:52:01 »
That would be a very expensive and awkward approach to getting a ultra-wide for the Z50 :)

The AF 10.5mm f/2.8 Fisheye will function on the Z50 via the FTZ (though, only manual focusing). This Fish is very sharp and likely miles ahead of older designs in terms of image quality. The AFS 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5 Fisheye zoom lens should not be overlooked either. Can do service on either DX or FX format cameras.

I will never sell my Nikon 10,5 - I was stupid to do it (wanted new camera-stuff) but bought it quickly again ;) - Therefore I also keep the Nikon 7100.
I use hemi-software to convert sometimes when needed.