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Nice ShotThat's funny. I know the guy in the upper left hand corner with the sunglass's on.
Akira, Akira, Akira...you were saving it! That´s a strong connection and that guy is fearless...or something else
We don't know what's behind that corner...As Woody Allen said, confidence is what you have before you understand the problemA triple #13, Akira, well spotted!Ciao from Massimo
Carmen Amaya was born on November 13th 1913. I have been in charge of the visual material and today I have learnt that one of the images is used for the front cover of the magazine "Artes Escénicas". The 13th issue You can download a pdf for free here: https://academiadelasartesescenicas.es/revista/28/artescenicas-13/
Congratulations!Too bad the price on the cover is only 3 Euro