Author Topic: Along Duck Lake  (Read 1999 times)


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Along Duck Lake
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:44:09 »
An interesting area with a variety of habitats and lighting.

All with D800E, AFS II 600mm f4 with 1.4EII converter, f9 to f10, ISO 500 to 640, approx 1/800th, Tripod

(view large)

David Paterson

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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 10:35:43 »
I like these very much and I love your processing - you should join our Scotland event in May and hold a few master-classes.


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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2016, 11:28:37 »
I like these very much and I love your processing - you should join our Scotland event in May and hold a few master-classes.

Sincere thanks David for your overly kind comments. However, Mongo is just a plodder in photography. There are infinitely more qualified and experienced people on this forum who could give far better help and advice. You are welcome to whatever Mongo knows so, please ask any questions he might be able to help you with.

As far a Scotland goes, maybe in a more perfect world. Mongo is not really physically able to do that sort of thing. Kind of you to ask nonetheless. Hope you get to go and have a great time.

Frank Fremerey

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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 11:34:18 »
Wonderfully dark intense colors. Like a muted melody playing
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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 11:37:09 »
Wonderfully dark intense colors. Like a muted melody plaing

thanks Frank ! Love your description - you have a wonderful way with words. Very glad you like them.

Frank Fremerey

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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 11:59:28 »
thanks Frank ! Love your description - you have a wonderful way with words.

Thank you for the compliment. English is not my mother tongue. I just love the language. In German we use a lot of words to specify things. In English you got a word for almost everything. That means: a lot of words to learn and shorter texts to earn.
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.



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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2016, 12:30:00 »
Thank you for the compliment. English is not my mother tongue. I just love the language. In German we use a lot of words to specify things. In English you got a word for almost everything. That means: a lot of words to learn and shorter texts to earn.

Mongo was also born in a non English speaking country. What you say about English is interesting (and you say it very well). Yes, English has some advantages as you have pointed out. However, it also has some not so good things e.g. it is not a strictly phonetic language and thus, spelling can be a nightmare. It may have the economy of a word that  means many things but that word is usually spelt differently (or worst) spelt the same but mean something else ! Still, Mongo must say, he enjoys it.  Mongo's German is now pretty much Kaput but may now start to learn Japanese in earnest.

Jakov Minić

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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2016, 19:27:12 »
Mongo, your slightly underexposed images create a special atmosphere not usually seen in bird photography :)
It's a very nice approach I might explore in the future.
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Re: Along Duck Lake
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2016, 20:44:02 »
Mongo, your slightly underexposed images create a special atmosphere not usually seen in bird photography :)
It's a very nice approach I might explore in the future.

Thanks Jakov - glad you like it. If you remember from the film slide days, underexposing slightly created solid saturated colour images with the highlights showing even more prominently. Mongo does a lot of bird photography and it is seldom like this. This was just an opportunity at the time of day when it seemed better to treat this set of images in this way. Lastly, these shots were intended to be a little creative with the light rather than try to be a good "record" shot of the various species.

If circumstances present themselves, Mongo would be keen to see how your shots trying this approach turn out. Again, thanks for your comments - much appreciated.