Photographing friends’ 50th wedding anniversary recently. Many generations present including great grandchildren.
Mongo managed a very quick passing candid image of Cloe when he noticed that carefree and enthusiastic play with the other children and spark of youth in her eyes reserved largely for the young and, no doubt, all but forgotten by many of us of later years.
D4s, Tamron SP AF 90mm f2.5 macro at f3.2, ISO 800, 1/100th, camera in manual mode, SB-700, handheld.
The nature of the interior lighting (and WB on auto) made for a very warm colour balance notwithstanding the flash. In this case, Mongo did not mind that given the warm colours of the subject’s hair and background. Because of the impromptu nature of this candid, ultimately, it seemed that an almost square crop was the best fit for the original shot but would be interested in any comments/critique about the image generally.