Author Topic: Valdemossa, ages ago (old pharmacy)  (Read 1612 times)

Frank Fremerey

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Valdemossa, ages ago (old pharmacy)
« on: December 09, 2015, 14:24:53 »
These are taken with my FM-2 and the Nikkor AI 1.4/50mm With Fuji Sensia 100 pushed to 1600.

I have to did for the original huge scans. These are only the small modem-friendly renderings from my first homepage in the 1990ies.

Any recommondation for Slide-Scanning today greatly appreciated!

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Re: Valdemossa, ages ago (old pharmacy)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2015, 19:40:11 »
Not sure this pharmacy still exists !

Looks like a museum... ;)

I visited this town very long time ago.

I will follow this thread, as I have so many pictures to scan. i don't know what is the right process.
Francis Devrainne


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Re: Valdemossa, ages ago (old pharmacy)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2015, 20:35:28 »
Francis Devrainne


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Re: Valdemossa, ages ago (old pharmacy)
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2015, 07:34:46 »
These are taken with my FM-2 and the Nikkor AI 1.4/50mm With Fuji Sensia 100 pushed to 1600.

I have to did for the original huge scans. These are only the small modem-friendly renderings from my first homepage in the 1990ies.

Any recommondation for Slide-Scanning today greatly appreciated!

That is a big push for slide film, no? I miss Provia 400.
What sort of scanner and software are you using?

I use an Epson V700 with Vuescan which I find is acceptable when scanning negative film but slide film leaves some room for improvement. When compared to the noritsu scanner my local lab uses my V700's dynamic range is limited with blocked up shadows, harsh/blown highlights, and the colors take more work to get accurate. It seems film scanning is an art in and of itself which I have only moderate experience with.

I made a comparison between the V700 and my D800/105mm micro nikkor, its been a while and I could dig up the files if you'd like for comparison, but if I remember correctly the dynamic range was similar between both but the D800 was quicker to get accurate colors. The V700 is nice because you can set up several slides and batch scan them. Noritsu was better that both, as to be expected as it is a dedicated film scanner.