North America and Pelican Nebulas (NGC7000 and IC5070) in Cygnus from last night, my first deep space capture session of the season and the first with the 500PF on Z8 in FX mode, using a front aperture (82mm step down ring) of f/6.1. Stack of 95% best of 112 light frames at ISO 1600 after disposing 8 frames with subpar tracking, 122 darks, 45 flats (1/2 sec exposures with EL panel) and 138 bias frames. Stacked in both Sequator and Deep Space Stacker (DSS), then combined the two CNX2 edits in Sequator for final edit in CNX2. The histogram was 1/4 from the left side. I discovered that my off-brand EP-5 adapter was not recognized as compatible by the Z8 so regular batteries had to be used for power. DSS complained about the Z8 files, but nevertheless processed them although the colors did not come out optimally, but without any color ring artifacts. Halos around medium strong stars might have been due to limited transparency of the air. This is one of the more intense hydrogen-alpha emitting regions in the milky way, and shows up nicely even with an unmodified body. (Open in new tab and click for larger version.)