Another solar capture stack from this weekend, first a two-frame stich in visible light, with Baader Astrosolar ND 5.0 safety film and UV-IR cut filter:
Detail of active sunspot region AR3297, AR3296 and AR3293 at top and AR3294 bottom, stack of 20% best of 2000 frames captured at 118 frames per second :
[Edit: Replaced with an even higher resolution version that was stacked with 3x drizzle]
With dark gone here for the summer, next up is a blue moon (not a Blue Moon) that works well in daylight too. There is no direction in space, so we take the freedom of orienting the moon as we like.
The same captured with a 685nm IR pass filter that makes it easier to convert day to night:
Also Venus remains visible high in the sky in daytime these days - it is quite bright with good contrast to the background. To locate it over the sky glare it is best to use Stellarium and a pair of binoculars, but with some effort I am able to see it with my unaided eye. First three visible light captures in daytime on two different days at 400-700 frames per second. The middle capture was a stack of the 5% best frames out of 200K frames. The color differences are mostly due to the processing.
Then an IR capture of Venus, also in daytime, from April 20: