Interesting that perception, interpretation, and explanation all differ here. There are tell-tale signs of scale, but only if you look for these.
Paco: yes, blue can be warm. Did you see the sweet French movie "Blue is the warmest colour"? In summer, the 'Nordic blue' hour is perceived as warm indeed by our citizens. In winter, the 'blue hour' also appears warm although admittedly somewhat cooler than in summer

I did shoot the scene with Zf (visible light) and Z5 (IR), using the same 400 Nikkor + TC14 for both, and did notice that IR altered the rendition significantly. Not so much the snow itself as the background and its bokeh. I guess the triple glazing on my windows interferes with IR (and VR) to give an alienated background rendition. For this picture I really liked the effect thus present only the IR version.