Author Topic: New Leica SL  (Read 39512 times)

Roland Vink

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2015, 22:54:54 »
Roland, you know you need to turn to Leica land to get small lenses that are perfectly corrected, you should go get the Leica M 50mm f/2 summicron Apo   ;D
Don't temp me - can't afford it! Besides, I prefer TTL optical viewfinder and lenses which focus closer, which the Leica M doesn't do very well.

Erik Lund

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2015, 23:06:33 »
That is why you need the SL for your M lenses  ;) Just kidding

It will be interesting to try out the EVF of the SL...
Erik Lund


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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2015, 02:11:52 »
As someone who doesn't closely follow the current technological trends and advancements of camera bodies until I am in the market to upgrade, I was hoping someone could clear up a question for me.

I've never owned or used a mirrorless camera but I was under the impression one of the most beneficial aspects of mirrorless was that they are smaller and less intrusive than DSLR's, perhaps that is not the case?
This new Leica, and particularly its lenses, seem to be heading back towards the size of DSLR's, so what is the benefit(s) of it being mirrorless as opposed to a SLR design?


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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2015, 05:54:02 »
As someone who doesn't closely follow the current technological trends and advancements of camera bodies until I am in the market to upgrade, I was hoping someone could clear up a question for me.

I've never owned or used a mirrorless camera but I was under the impression one of the most beneficial aspects of mirrorless was that they are smaller and less intrusive than DSLR's, perhaps that is not the case?
This new Leica, and particularly its lenses, seem to be heading back towards the size of DSLR's, so what is the benefit(s) of it being mirrorless as opposed to a SLR design?
Based on the Fujifilm mirrorless that I have, I can tell you that when the light gets low, like an day interior on a dark day...or really 2 footcandles...such as on the street at night....the EVF is superior.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2015, 06:52:39 »
Charlie,  I've been shooting an Olympus EM1 (with grip) since it was released .  The size difference between the higher end mirrorless and my D750 is getting more and more negligible. I've purchased a Sony a7II (with grip), my hands are too big to shoot for extended periods with out the grip  ;) .

The EVFs are getting better and better but I just cannot get the action shooting down with the EVF.   What I really like is the fact that I can see all of the adjustments I make , in the EVF before I shoot.  I am really interested in how my Nikon/Voigt/Leica lenses work, using MF, on the Sony and its' IBIS and EVF.  I fully expect that the Sony FF cameras will keep getting larger.

That said, the EM1 w/o grip, with the 17 1.8/9-18mm mounted, is a small package for walk about.  When Nikon responds with a FF mirrorless (which has to happen  :)it will be interesting to see what size and shape.
Edit: the Leica is very interesting but totally out of my league  ;):(
Tom Hardin, Goa, India

Fons Baerken

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2015, 07:28:41 »
Lloyd Chambers has some interesting thoughts on the Leica Sl, as to be expected

Fons Baerken

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Erik Lund

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2015, 08:06:07 »
..... the most beneficial aspects of mirrorless was that they are smaller and less intrusive than DSLR's, perhaps that is not the case?
This new Leica, and particularly its lenses, seem to be heading back towards the size of DSLR's, so what is the benefit(s) of it being mirrorless as opposed to a SLR design?

Small is not really the design goal for this camera. Leica has plenty of smallish cameras.

Remember that Leica M is a rangefinder design, so very short flange to sensor distance,,,

Leica wanted something that could use all of their old lenses, R-lenses and M-lenses in particular - For that to happen you need to get rid of the mirror box.

Also the EVF in this case should be so good that you can shoot with the lens stopped down, that is to be able to intesify the light and at a very good quality. electroncis takes up space and so does a battery for runnuing them as well as big VR AF lenses.

Erik Lund

Erik Lund

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2015, 08:28:30 »
Charlie,  I've been shooting an Olympus EM1 (with grip) since it was released .  The size difference between the higher end mirrorless and my D750 is getting more and more negligible. I've purchased a Sony a7II (with grip), my hands are too big to shoot for extended periods with out the grip  ;) .

The EVFs are getting better and better but I just cannot get the action shooting down with the EVF.   What I really like is the fact that I can see all of the adjustments I make , in the EVF before I shoot.  I am really interested in how my Nikon/Voigt/Leica lenses work, using MF, on the Sony and its' IBIS and EVF.  I fully expect that the Sony FF cameras will keep getting larger.

That said, the EM1 w/o grip, with the 17 1.8/9-18mm mounted, is a small package for walk about.  When Nikon responds with a FF mirrorless (which has to happen  :)it will be interesting to see what size and shape.
Edit: the Leica is very interesting but totally out of my league  ;):(

Comparing Leica SL with other cameras is really not interesting or relevant; For the customer or for Leica, since it's about using Leica legacy lenses on a Leica camera. The end  ;)
Erik Lund


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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #54 on: October 22, 2015, 11:28:15 »
Oops, sorry  :( . It will not happen again , should have known better  ;D .
Tom Hardin, Goa, India

Frank Fremerey

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2015, 11:55:05 »
After reading some of the linked tests I understand that the camera seems to be bigger and heavier than it appears on the product photo in the opening post.

The IQ seems to be really nice too (with the best M-Glass).

But: For me the system is much too expensive and with just one lens currently available (a zoom and I do not zoom) not interesting.

I am really happy with what I have for the time being.

What I miss is more time for shooting, image review and editing. This is exactly where no camera in the world can help me. I have been to Southern Germany last week with the kids and took some wonderful shots. No time to review, edit, post. Work, Kids, Household. My world currently.
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.



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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2015, 18:44:04 »
Leica wanted something that could use all of their old lenses, R-lenses and M-lenses in particular - For that to happen you need to get rid of the mirror box.

Ah ha, makes perfect sense now.

Thank you Erik, Keith, and Tom for your insights.

Erik Lund

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2015, 22:00:25 »
It will take Leica years to establish a set of lenses comparable to what Nikon and Canon is offering to Pros, 8mm FF 16mm FFFE, 14mm 20mm 24mm and 300mm 400mm 500mm 600mm 800mm etc

In the mean while you can pick from the MF R-lenses... not enough for all Pros...

It's for select Pros and rich amateurs that have some S, R and/or M lenses that would like to put on the SL as a back up or as a main camera next to their S or M cameras.

Makes perfect sense to be able to use the SL for long M lenses to nail focus better and for the ultra wide to frame better with the alleged fantastic EVF  ;)
Erik Lund

Roland Vink

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2015, 20:00:19 »
I wonder where the name SL-601 came from? Reminds me of the Nikon F-601 (N6006 in USA) which was an early middle-of-the-road AF film camera...

Erik Lund

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Re: New Leica SL
« Reply #59 on: October 29, 2015, 08:37:58 »
I wonder where the name SL-601 came from? Reminds me of the Nikon F-601 (N6006 in USA) which was an early middle-of-the-road AF film camera...
The SL designation originally for the Leicaflex SL was an abbreviation of "Selective Light", the name chosen by Leitz for its implementation of TTL metering.
601 is a model number
Spiegel Los...
Erik Lund