Obviously the lens passed muster on the previous test. Sharpness is very even all over the frame, even into the extreme corners, and light fall off and geometric distortion are negligible. Thus at least at near range, field curvature is virtually absent.
Moving outside, to my back porch, I then aimed the lens set to 500 mm at my standard "distant" test object, a restaurant perched on a hill ridge 1.6 km away, across the valley from my house. Perfect and clear autumn weather making for ideal shooting conditions. Still wide open, as f/5.6 even with today's high-ISO capable cameras won't give super fast speeds for hand-holding the lens (Norwegian conditions, remember ...).
First is the entire frame, showing the building on the ridge, and also demonstrating that there is a slight light fall off at the longest focal length. Nt much signs of the usual pincushion distortion though.
The 100% crop shows a wealth of detail. Quite convincing for such a test shot straight off the camera.