I have just fitted an Ai ring to a K version of this lens which I got cheaply due to being 'unsellable non-Ai'. After spending some time getting to know it I think that its a real little charmer! I did not expect that much but instead of the expected average performance I got some photos that I think have come out well. My findings are that it is usefully sharp at all stops, very sharp at f/5.6 and colour and contrast are as good as I could want. Of course it focuses smoothly, being a 1970's Nikkor, and the lens has no issues even when inspected quite closely. It was only £20 too, so good value. I will be using this lens a lot more.
I was trying to convince myself I needed a modern 35 like the Art or the new Tamron as I only have the 35mm Series E and 35mm is my favourite focal length, however after trying this lens my feelings for buying a new 35mm are mixed and I don't feel that I need the new lens, this older 2.8 optic is very good. Maybe not as good as the latest lenses but I would hope not with the price discrepancy.
To sum up, good sharpness, easy to focus on the ground glass, colour and contrast are fine and so a rating of 7 out of 10, only losing a little to some fringing on high contrast areas.
I add a few examples below, and any user input is appreciated.