Thanks for the nice photos, Simone!
It was a holiday spent on Lanzarote a few years ago that finally persuaded me that I HAD to move up to a DSLR.
The scenery was so beautiful and our small digital pocket cam just couldn't cope with the contrasts...
It's a very beautiful place, definitely worth a visit (with your SLR/ DSLR/ mirrorless!).
Apart from the landscape the architecture of Manrique is the second highlight of the island.
Thank you Gunther, Manrique certainly left a very strong legacy in the island, although I have not spent much effort to document it with photos.
I do have something though, from my previous trip, and may post later.
For now, some starry shots taken in the north of the island, where there is least light pollution.
I tried starry trails too on the last night, but there was dusty wind coming from Sahara that obfuscated the stars and made light pollution impossible to manage even there.
These two were shot on the previous day, when the dust problem was not as bad, but other nights that I missed were far better.
Shot with the Samyang 12/2.
This shot enabled me to check the lens as I was not able to do before.
Coma is excellently corrected. Chromatic aberration not bad at all; vignetting is manageable. All of this at f/2.
The problem is mis-centering. I fear there is little I can do about it. Fixing may be possible, but given the low cost of the lens probably not worth.
Returning is also not an option since I got it second hand.
On most application this mis-centering is not noticeable, and even with this shot I can live with it.
Despite this problem I am overall quite happy with this lens. For some things it can replace the optically excellent 14/2.8.