I highly recommend Raw Digger. It is well worth the cost to learn how your camera actually records.
Meanwhile, on with my UniWB experiment......
I've created my red, green and blue TIFs and have the Excel spreadsheet set up.
Equipment: Nikon D810 + 70-200/4G AFS VR
Focal length=100mm.
WB=Auto1. (Shooting raw so WB can be auto.)
Space=sRGB. (Keep everything in gamut. Well, R/G/B should always be in gamut anyway.)
ISO=64. (Base setting to minimize noise.)
Picture Control = Flat[0]. (Reduced contrast improves the accuracy of the in-camera histogram.)
White Balance
Average values from the R, G and B shots were entered in the Excel spreadsheet.
In PS Elements 11 a Magenta (225,111,193) file was created for monitor display.
I now made the in-camera WB against the big Magenta screen.
Given that I was using a Nikon, this did not happen on the first try.
But eventually I got the D810 to declare a WB against the Magenta screen as "good".
However --- The Magenta UniWB shot shows RGB coefficients of .92, 1.0, .63.
Red is in the ballpark but slightly low. Blue is very much off.
So I did not quite attain a UniWB on this first attempt.
I know the methodology is sound. (I've hand calculated this stuff in the past.)
Possible errors:
- I'm thinking that the difficulty I had with the D810 in-camra WB likely contributed to the problem?
- And/or maybe there was too much ambient light when I performed the WB against the magenta screen?
- I probably overexposed the R, G and B shots? Not supposed to use ETTR until after setting up UniWB. "-)
[1,2,3] Raw Digger Screen Shots
I used a sample from the brightest area.
[4] Magenta (225,111,193) File for One-step WB
Created in PSElements.
[5] Excel Spreadsheet
Note the Coefficients column has a bad Blue value.
[6] UniWB Shot #1 with Flat[0] pic control.
Although I did not produce unitary RGB coefficients in my first attempt this shot looks very green. :-)
[7] UniWB Shot #2 with Std[4,3,1,0,2,0] for [sharpening,clarity,contrast,brightness,saturation,hue]
Still looking very green.