I'm looking for feedback on the Nikon AIS 105mm 1:2.8 micro.
A few years ago I was looking for a short telephoto for general hand-held shooting, with ability to focus closer than my AIS 85/2 or 105/2.5. Ideally I'd like something like an 85/2 which focuses down to about 1:4 - not a true macro but close enough for casual closeups. But such a lens does not exist! I settled on a Tokina 90/2.5 macro (aka Bokina) as it is well regarded and is reasonably fast. My limited shooting experience so far has not lived up to expectations. At medium distances the bokeh is not that great in spite of its reputation - it's better at close range. Unfortunately I have not been able to use it much, the aperture blades are sluggish so it overexposes especially at small apertures. (I really need to get it fixed and test it more.)
Anyway, this got me thinking about the nearest Nikon equivalent: AIS 105mm 1:2.8 micro. This is a lens I overlooked for years - I already have the AIS 105/4 micro with its beautiful simple design and greater working distance, and the AF 105/2.8 micro with its greater magnification. However the 105/4 is too slow for general shooting, and the AF 105/2.8 is bulky, focus throw too short near infinity, and the bokeh is harsh at medium distance. The AIS 105/2.8 has the faster aperture and is more compact than either. So how does it perform - sharpness/bokeh/contrast? I have read various statements online, ranging from "unusually good at infinity" to "performance wide open inferior to the AF version". Thank you.