I see I mis-remembered which K ring is forbidden in the camera manuals, and am probably mis-remembering whether this has come up before.
There is no explanation of the K-2 issue. It looks as if the K-2 clears AI tabs, and clears the CPU contacts in the camera. It's not listed as forbidden for the F4, which suggests it's safe for CPU contacts. I've tried it on a couple of cameras with no apparent issues. Is there some incompatibility I've missed? I turned down the skirt of a K-2 just to be doubly sure it would never hit an AI follower, but it seems to leave plenty of room. Am I missing something here?
edit to add: there does seem to be an issue with the K2, that it locks on in only two of its three possible positions. It seems the pin hole does not line up, and I'm not entirely sure why, but it does not seem to do any harm. This seems to be true on all AI-compatible cameras, including the F3 and F4 for which the K2 is not listed as incompatible, so that factor alone does not seem to disqualify it.
Another edit to add: a little experimentation reveals that the hole misalignment is tiny. I enlarged the hole a very little bit just with the point of a pen knife, and it clicked in. If pin alignment is the only barrier to using a K-2 on recent cameras, enlarging the hole by about a millimeter or less fixes it. It's the hole counter-clockwise from the K2 designation, as you face the flange, and you need to expand it slightly clockwise, or towards the K2, towards the outer diameter. It's so close already that it might click in if you just bevel it a little.