Author Topic: Organ Explosion @ Kulturstadl Ottersberg  (Read 1491 times)


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  • Grumpy Bavarian from Munich
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Organ Explosion @ Kulturstadl Ottersberg
« on: August 29, 2015, 11:06:11 »
In a neighboring village, Ottersberg there is a musician who runs a series of cultural events in an old barn,
the Kulturstadl (translates to culture barn).
You can grab a decent Bavarian dinner before the concert and the have coffee and cake in the intermission.
All for very local prices ;-)
You might smell a nearby cow stable....

On August 7th, Organ Explosion was playing.

Key feature of the band are vintage electronic organs.
The drummer also plays for Nick Woodland.

Because of the tight seating, I could not get close to the front,
so all shots where taken with the 80-200 from the rear.

The guys:

An exalted drummer (finally one that is not hidden by a forest of microphone stands):

The man on the electronic organs:

The base:

Of course they have a CD:

The whole Gallery:
