Returning from Paco's sunny Spain to Nordic normality means *snow*. And cold weather. My lungs prefer being indoors and I totally agree.
Ruth is pre-cultivating tomato plants in a hydroponic setup. Perfect for the CRT Nikkor-O 55mm f/1.2 on the V1. Some times ago, I got a heap of used V1 bodies through my Nikon repair connection. These bodies had defects that doomed them to being discarded. This particular camera used here had a scratch on the sensor, which is hard to detect unless I look specifically for it. Erik turned the camera into M42 mount so I can put the odd lens on it through focusing helicoids. Other V1 bodies host Ultra-Micro-Nikkor lenses for dedicated close-ups.
Old does not equal obsolete

These cameras, despite their many dumbed-down features, still are enjoyable and pleasant to use. Image quality can be more than adequate as well.