I noticed this diversion from the topic (of chipping lenses) while looking for interesting technical bits, and thought this was a suitable theme and place for a neoluddite rant reiterating my dislike of auto everything in photography-
Unchipping and remanualizing:
Yes, automation does ensure fast snaps and for those who have lost their memory capabilities ((or like some of us) have too great a pile of lenses) it can serve to remind which optic and settings were used and when (as if that mattered if the snap was fine).
The need for distracting buttonry when photogaphing something is annoying and I do not like the viewfinder to be cluttetered with info. Also atofocus fastening on a random high-contrast twig, especially when the focus and spot metering point has moved is abolutely unwelcome. Hence unchipping and restoring manual focus and aperture to lenses would be a welcome innovation .
However camera bodies are welcome to keep their adjustable light- metering and shutterspeed automation
My neoluddism is not without exceptions. Colour slide projection autofocus is NOT malign even if unnecessary for properly uniformly mounted slides. And thyristor fardeout/fade in can be put to use.
I will however continue to prefer cheap digital technology on a big monitor to expensive and unobtainable Kodachrome, even if like with that technology one must wait for weeks on development. It remains to be seen if digital projection could achieve as good results.