Author Topic: Registration Guidelines  (Read 8114 times)

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
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  • Oslo, Norway
Registration Guidelines
« on: June 14, 2015, 14:55:51 »
Membership is obtained in a two-stage process. Registering without a valid email address is not possible.
  • Register a user account.
  • Activate your user account through an activation email sent to your email address. Please ensure your email address is correctly given, otherwise you will not be able to activate your account. Also do check your SPAM folder if your email provider erroneously thinks NG is delivering spam!!

Anonymity is not possible on NG. We want to deal with the real people not their screen handles. Your full name has to be presented at the registration stage and will always be visible to the NG Admins. Search engines will not be able to access your profile though. You ought to always display your own name either in your screen name or in your Signature.

You can register using a "nickname", a screen-based user name, such as the one you were known and associated with on the old Nikongear or other web forums. However, in this case, your full name should be included in your signature.

The NG Team will notify the account owner in case the above rule(s) are violated and ask for the user profile to be amended. Failure to do so will cause the account to be removed without further notice.

Last Update [21 December, 2015]

Birna Rørslett

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  • A lesser fierce bear of the North
Re: Registration Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2025, 23:10:39 »
Starting from January, 2025, any new member account has to be approved by the Admins.

You will be sent a message when your account has been activated. Thus having a valid email address is paramount, without it you cannot become a member.

Don't try to log in before you get your activation confirmation. It will not work.

Only members and supporters can post to the NG boards.