Current status: 93/150 supporters
What we apparently see are the shutter blades. Not the shield structure of Z9 (and Z8).
Are there different USB C profiles?Isn't the MH-34 void of the actual charger which needs to be as an additional piece? I.e. it doesn't accept mains (AC) voltage, instead it requires a USB-C PD charger? How cleverly the number of small pieces required in practice increases when the EU is trying to decrease it.
I mistyped it There were Power Profiles (USB PD 1.0) which are now called Power Rules (USB PD 3.0) PD equals 'power delivery' Standards for USB.Question is: does the charger need to be fed with more than 5 V or 15 W?
So nice.
trying some b&w - Zf & 35mm f/1.8
Many thanks Erik, Bob and PacoHalloween - Zf & 35mm f/2.2; 1/125s; ISO 64'000 Lr denoise - AF was finding eyes where I struggled to see any...I don't intend to shoot at such high ISO regularly but it's still impressive.