The Voigtländer Lanthar 50mm f/2.8 was the lens of the Voigtländer Vitoret, a very successful Camera in the sixties of last century. When the color film became more popular, Voigtländer changed the name of the lens later to the Voigtländer Color-Lanthar 50mm f/2.8, apparantly only for commercial reasons.
The lens has been removed from the original camera and reconstructed with a M39 mount. With the appropriate adapter it now fits the Z-camera's.
The results are not bad. Central sharpness is very good at f/2.8, only the borders are a bit soft.
As the close focus is only 1 meter, there is a special close focus lens, developed by Voigtländer those days, the Focal. With the number 2 the close focus distance is around 30-50 cm
Posted earlier in Februari 2022