Author Topic: Shift Adapter Nikon-F - Nikon-F  (Read 1105 times)


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Shift Adapter Nikon-F - Nikon-F
« on: May 28, 2021, 12:01:13 »
Excuse me very much. Wanted to find some shift adapter for Nikon F-mount to F-mount. Some sort of experiment. Wanted to have got some additional shift move for the 19mm Nikon t/s lens, when shiftet in one direction already, the full lenght, up or down, or left or right, plus to add a extra shift option to the other directions. Probably a totaly "breaindamaged" idea? I know, it would be possible to shift diagonaly, and propably when shifted the full area in one of the given directions, and also adding another shift option, the light will start to collide inside the lens. Of course. Did anyone here already played with this idea? thanks- bye bye, richard

Erik Lund

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Re: Shift Adapter Nikon-F - Nikon-F
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021, 12:21:15 »
There is not any chance to use an adapter as it would move the focal plane,,,
The build in 'stop' that prohibit the lens to shift or tilt can be modified if you disassemble the lens and grind some material away,,, just be aware that most likely something will interfere or snag in some positions  :o
Erik Lund


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Re: Shift Adapter Nikon-F - Nikon-F
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2021, 12:22:28 »
Erik beat me to it.

An F to F mount shift adapter?  I'm afraid that would be impractical, especially if you intend to use one, if any, with such a short lens like 19mm.

The tilt/shift mechanism requires a fair amount of thickness which should function as a closeup ring like Nikon PK-11 or even the thicker PK-12.  With a closeup ring of that thickness, a 19mm lens whose barrel is very long due to its retro-focus design could be impossible to focus at any distance: the focal point could be inside the lens!
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Re: Shift Adapter Nikon-F - Nikon-F
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2021, 21:03:09 »
Erik beat me to it.

An F to F mount shift adapter?  I'm afraid that would be impractical, especially if you intend to use one, if any, with such a short lens like 19mm.

The tilt/shift mechanism requires a fair amount of thickness which should function as a closeup ring like Nikon PK-11 or even the thicker PK-12.  With a closeup ring of that thickness, a 19mm lens whose barrel is very long due to its retro-focus design could be impossible to focus at any distance: the focal point could be inside the lens!

Thanks a lot Akira and Erik Lund for the descriptions and infos. Already thought so it will be more or less impossible to have got a converter like i have had in mind. bye bye, richard