A site for all camera brandsCurrent status: 94/150 supporters
That's a very nice image, Paulo.
I've been fascinated by the images you've shared from the region of Texel Fons.I'd not been aware of it before and had to,look it up.Guess it used to just be a sand dune way out in the North Sea till land started to be reclaimed many years ago?Meanwhile, this image is just begging for an Alfred Hitchcock soundtrack...
Nice theme Fons - and great contributions
Fons, your photo is in Untagged RGB, which does not do the colours justice. I think you need to embed sRGB.
Anthony, please explain, my mode of operation entails converting files to jpeg rgb. I updated preferences within photoshop for embedded rgb full size?
That heard means i need to open files whithin camera raw, in sRGB now my workspace is prophoto?https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem/an-embedded-color-profile-that-does-not-match-the-current-rgb-working-space/td-p/9023300