Author Topic: How can I digitize Slides with the D850 and the old AF Micro Nikkor 55mm f/2.8  (Read 2534 times)


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I want to digitize Slides with the D850 and the AF Micro Nikkor 55mm f/2.8.

What are the best, quickest and cheapest options, to generate usable RAW-Files?

Fehmarn, SH, Germany - moving moments...


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Something like this I guess:

....if you don't have a PB-6 bellows with slide copy attachment.


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You could also just use a light table and make a repro-setup.


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Maybe some inspiration from this video:


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The ES-1 is the simplest, smallest solution. You will have to improvise a light source, which is usually not a problem for experienced photographers
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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If you can ignore the clutter on my desk you can see my set up, the D850 is fitted with a current 60 mm lens, this combination is mounted on a copy stand but a tripod would work, I raise the rear screen to a vertical position, switch on live view, this way I can sit at my desk and copy my transparencies, I use a wireless remote to fire the shutter, a standard light box provides the illumination. This image is a large crop from another image.


David H. Hartman

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Probably a late reply but I strongly recommend a copy stand over a tripod due to alignment difficulties. Pentax made a simple but very functional one in the '70s. For a light source one might use a par of flash down on a piece of what paper or color corrected light table or a dicronic color enlarger head.

A Nikon PB6 bellows with a slide copy attachment and flash might cost more but it is an excellent setup. One could mount the bellows on a tripod and diffused flash on a light stand or another tripod.

Electronic release is an excellent shutter release method. I use the Phottix Strato II wireless flash system. They are an older design so one might survey what is currently available. I  find the test button on the Strato II  very precise for a shutter release.

These are my thoughts on the topic

Dave Hartman
Beatniks are out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch!


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It is good to see you back, Dave.

Bent Hjarbo

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  • Homo jezoensis
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Yeah, Dave, glad to hear from you!
"The eye is blind if the mind is absent." - Confucius

"Limitation is inspiration." - Akira

David H. Hartman

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Thanks guys!

I didn't have internet at home for about 18-24 months. Then my laptop's HD died. Now the laptop is up with an SSD. I could not authenticate Window 10 so a few days ago I installed Linux Mint 20, Cinnamon. It's a long story.

Beatniks are out to make it rich
Oh no, must be the season of the witch!