There is the rumor that Burzynski gear is not available any more - this information was also part of discussion here -I'd like to tell you that it is wrong.
Just had a phone call with Rainer Burzynski and he is still running his small business (bad rumors that he had shut down were even spreaded on purpose he told me).
He now has got a rudimentary Homepage and E-mail (lack of that made it a bit difficult to contact him in the past)
Here is the link to the page with all contact information (if you'd like to call him from outside germany you'd need to add +49 insteadof 0 and should be able to talk german, probably spoken english wont work too well): you if there is some wish for special gear you can still order the very special Burzynski tripod head, "car-window-pod" and all sorts of special accessories for tripods and monopods like quick release plates, Lens collars, lens caps for superteles, levelling adapters, screws, and nature photography acessories directly from him.
He also provides a small paper based catalogue (not on the homepage so far)