Hi to all the Nikongear members and administrators !
I'm a long time (40 years) Nikon enthousiast/ amateur photographer; first Nikon I could buy (at the age of 19) was a FM2 (1/200 model) with 2,8/55 Micro Ais. then a few Nikkormats, F2's and other FM2-N and FE2 came along...Since 2012, a D300 and in 2015 a D700 have been added.
I like to take my old film cameras (F3P, F2AS or the tiny FM2T) but I must recognizethat today digital cameras are the best performers...but not the easiest to use (for me at least).
Very happy to join Nikon Gear and to reed all the good stuff you write and the good pictures you take. hope to contribute with my modest Nikon experience !