The cost of a refurbished DF is well...."kinda' high. Is the DF's 16mp/FF the magic combination, or just another point of future complaint? For $2k, in my neck of the woods can buy a semi-reliable automobile. I tried the "new 24mp half frame, Nikon's DX flagship" & it failed, miserably.
I did not like the D100, D200 and D300 at all. I feel the D300 is still the best of the three but all have in common that the ground glass is very unreliable when it comes to manual focus. Plus the D300 / D300s are extremely slow with 14-Bit-NEFs.
I bought a D3 instead of the D300 which really hurt me financially at the time (April 2008) but paid off later.
I had a D7000 and my experience was similar to yours with the D7100. BUT: This may well have been trouble with the one I had. I should have had her serviced till she worked properly. I guess it was my fault to think it was my fault not a simple technical defect. I know people who got their D7xxx to work flawlessly even in semi pro or pro environments as a second body. Did not work for me.
The best Nikon camera currently when it comes to price/performance ratio a used D600. The IQ ist still out of this world and more of less the same as the IQ of the D810. At the third of the price and Nikon still exchanges the shutter unit fror free if you ask them. The ground glass is good for manual focus if you practice a bit.
On the same level but with speed in mind the D500 performs. She runs circles around the D3 in EVERY SINGLE RESPECT, except for some comfort functions like voice notes or dedicated lock button.
For me the combination of D500 anhd D600 as a two-body-system with a set of primes makes me really happy every day.
Wishes for the D600 replacement (D820?) would be a dedicated lock button, the D500 ground glass, the D500 body ergonomics, the D500 color consistency & White Balance, D500 speed and Auto Focus and --- please --- the same battery extension!!!