Author Topic: Open topic.  (Read 205 times)


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Open topic.
« on: September 13, 2024, 22:06:30 »
Do you think the digital age have made better photographers, worse or just something different? I have been thinking about it from technical perspective, social, shear amount of images and people involved (including smartphones), etc...

  I'm not trying to be controversial, just sincere curiosity.


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Re: Open topic.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2024, 09:33:20 »
The economy of shooting and processing images in digital has probably allowed a greater number of gifted and talented people to get to where they are producing something of value. But photography is like music; each person has their tastes and moods. Thanks largely to automation of exposure, focus, and processing, the perfectly sharp photo with nice color is no longer as amazing as it once was.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: Open topic.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2024, 20:45:14 »
Probably 99,9999% of the total images shot in the world are down with phones. Most of them are not that good (composition etc.).
The primary reason for that is that total amount of images shot is much higher today than 30 years ago.
Still many pictures are shot with "real" cameras.

It seems many young people are interested in shooting with film. There has been rumors that the Leica M6 will have a revival?

I think professional shooters makes better images than before (wildlife, press etc.) as you can almost shoot an unlimited no. of shots and the technical quality possible from a 35mm digital camera is much higher than in the film days. Especially with higher ISO.

I was surprised that my Horseman 6x9 roll film back was sold immediately when I put it for sale online. I set a quite low price as my thinking was that not many were interested.......but I was wrong.


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Re: Open topic.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2024, 02:19:34 »
Before Digital I was a pretty bad photographer

My learning materials were photo magazines and the feedback about each image came back days or weeks later oce the photos were printed, my basic iinstruction came from my Dad who was not very patient when I got a blurred image either from camera shake or bad focus, and I have limited resources ($)

Move forward a couple of decades 
the internet is now a reality and many resources are available on line
the feedback on a digital camera is instantaneous and one can shoot until the memory is full
Online communities will offer valuable feedback
In person commmunities are organized thanks to social media and there is lot of interaction with other photographers
Photo workshops are also organized through social media
Lots of images are available to be seen and serve as inspiration

So during my time using a digital camera I have learned and become a better photographer, even if I'm using the camera on my mobile
Armando Morales
D800, Nikon 1 V1, Fuji X-T3


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Re: Open topic.
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2024, 02:22:45 »
Slightly off topic, and I don't know to what extent the revival will translate into sales numbers, but the new build M6 is a reality.

Pentax earlier this year have also released a relatively expensive new build half-frame 35mm film point and shoot costing $A899 (about $US600).  Niche but new.

And there are a slew of cheap Kodak and Ilford branded plastic new 35mm cameras out now.


It seems many young people are interested in shooting with film. There has been rumors that the Leica M6 will have a revival?


Hugh Gunn