Author Topic: Do you still use an "obsolete" camera?  (Read 128890 times)


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Re: Do you still use an "obsolete" camera?
« Reply #375 on: July 04, 2021, 18:53:47 »
Looking purely at DR indeed there should be little reason to use something on top of D810.

What I cannot explain (due to my lack of knowledge) is that when I shoot, e.g. yellow flowers with my D810 vs the S5 (using an ETTR approach) I find that I can recover much more to my liking a nice saturated yellow with the S5 vs the D810.
Not sure if it has to do with the way channels are saturated or a film like shoulder on the S5 or something else.

On the other hand it could simply be me trying to rationalize why I keep another camera around :)
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David H. Hartman

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Re: Do you still use an "obsolete" camera?
« Reply #376 on: August 15, 2021, 20:10:14 »
Looking purely at DR indeed there should be little reason to use something on top of D810.

Regarding the Z7 II and possibly the Z7 and D850...

[This looks like an important quote I left out...

"As we mentioned, the Z7 II's sensor is essentially the same as its predecessor; it uses a dual-gain design to minimize read noise above ISO 320, so that high ISO settings have lower visual noise." --DPReview]

"This also means that you can save four stops of highlight detail by shooting at ISO 400 instead of ISO 6400, with the same exposure settings, and brighten selectively – while protecting highlights – in post. You'll pay little to no extra image noise cost in doing so." --DPReview

So I'm wondering what this means and need to do some experimenting.

Here is a link showing DR v. ISO of the D810 and Z7 II...,Nikon%20D810,Nikon%20Z%207II

...notice that the Z7 II jumps ahead in DR at ISO 400. any ideas?

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