Here's an interesting beastie. This is exactly the same lens as the Varo Optical 90mm f1.0, which is probably meant for X ray work. What is unusual is that it has a flange distance of about 21mm, making it usable at infinity on a mirrorless camera. And unlike most X ray lenses, it does not have intolerable undercorrection of spherical aberration, making every image look like it was shot through heavy fog. It also has a fairly large image circle (~50mm I think), so while the corners on FF are not great, they are also not like a Petzval. And vignetting is also pretty decent for a lens of this speed.
There is some blooming around details, so not great microcontrast, but reasonably sharp, even off center. General contrast is quite good, as is work against the light. Using a deconvolution plugin like Piccure Plus or Sharpen AI can clean things up quite a bit. These are processed to get the best out of them that I can get, but they do not differ much in look from the look of the original, except to add microcontrast to details.