Author Topic: D500 top LCD fogging up???  (Read 1324 times)


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D500 top LCD fogging up???
« on: August 18, 2020, 22:54:33 »
Have any of you had this (on any Nikon?)

I've had mine over a year and used it in challenging conditions like tropical rain forest, with no real issues.

Today after being in a moderate rain shower but protected from direct rain by my waterproofs, I noticed the top LCD showing signs of condensation in a few patches. This eventually spread so thst the whole display seemed misty.

Back home I opened up the card and battery compartments  - no signs of droplets or damp.

I'd appreciate advice on
- why this can happen
- how to prevent in future (esp. if this a sign of repair being needed)

Erik Lund

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Re: D500 top LCD fogging up???
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2020, 23:16:20 »
Never heard about that issue in a Nikon DSLR
Erik Lund


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Re: D500 top LCD fogging up???
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2020, 08:57:23 »
When I googled it, I found several examples of people talking of similar issues with a D300

I'm mainly concerned if it's a warning of further issues to come.

Birna Rørslett

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Re: D500 top LCD fogging up???
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2020, 09:30:38 »
This can happen, but unless condensation on the inside is "heavy" to form droplets, probably more of an intermittant nuisance than warning of  a coming disaster. I see similar from time to time with lenses for my AW1 and just storing the lens off camera without rear cap for a short time will clear it. For the AW1 and similar "water-proof" cameras, condensation might indicate it's about time to lubricate the O-rings, whilst for a terrestrial DSLR an indication you ought to wipe it clear off excessive raindrops.

You could also have an LCD with a hairline crack that allows some ingress of moisture. Thus, if the issue repeats, maybe the nearest Nikon repair facility is the next destinatin.


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Re: D500 top LCD fogging up???
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2020, 12:51:18 »
Thanks Birna and Eric.

On reflection, I was carrying the D500 using a Black Rapid strap attached through the tripod lug, so the body hangs upside down. This usually works well but it's possible it caught some of the rain draining off my waterproofs and had more of a water flow than I realised.

Left with the battery & card door overnight in a warm room, I can't see any condensation this morning.

I'm hoping to catch some Red Kites in the middle of Wales today and once again its wet, so will be interesting to see if it recurs (not sure if my insurance would pay out for a replacement Z6......!)