Hello to all.
Just joined this forum, which I found while searching for information on a NIkkor 28-85mm AI-S zoom lens. Glad to find this forum and hope film-types are welcome here and not pelted with SD cards until they run away!
I never intended to become a Nikonaholic, but it happened and I have to deal with it.
Most of my gear would be considered "obsolete" by most, but I take great joy in finding and refurbishing bargain Nikons for my hobby and edification. Sometimes I even shoot film or digital with them!
Currently (as it changes all the time) I have 2x FTns, an F2, F3, F4, 5x Nikkormats and a D200 with assorted lenses. I also collect Voigtlander Vitessas, Ricoh 500 rangefinders, Minolta SRTs, Petri Color Super Rangerfinders and anything else that comes into range for a reasonable sum. To keep the hobby fiscally manageable, I only purchase cameras that are "broken" or non-functional for small amounts and restore them to the best of my ability.
Keeps me off the street for the most part...
Just last week I pulled the mirror box from my F2 to clean the low speed escapement and repair the broken battery compartment; happy to report success and now have a fully functional F2 with correct low speed that were previously frozen.
Anyway, I will be lurking; hoping to contribute something once in a while, but mainly hoping to tap into the knowledge that resides in this gathering of Nikon owners.
Frank Wylie
PS: Before (below), after here: