PIcked this up on a lark from eBay cheap, and I can find no info on it. The lens is marked only "Varo 75mm f1.6" on the side is says "Made in Japan". I have no idea who made the lens, and have seen no other Japanese "Varo" lens. This one came with a C mount, but the mount was held on only by three set screws, so obviously it was mae to take different mounts. I managed to adapt it to Sony A7 and it covers FF easily, and looks like it might just make MF as well. Optically the lens has extremely good correction against CA. Not particualrly sharp, but good enough for jazz wide open, and gets considerably better by f2.8. Excellent contrast too.
Bokeh is interesting. I am generally a sucky for really edgy "nisen" bokeh, but I like the softness of this one, which is smooth without being bland. Here are a couple of quick shots, first at f1.6 and the second at f2.8. Any info on this lens highly appreciated.