All excellent but no doubts my favourite is #8.
The 200-500 is one of the lenses that is almost worth having with a dedicated camera if one is using a different system.
Thanks, Simone - #8 is among my own 2-3 favourites. And I have already adopted the strategy you suggest - my D600 and the 200-500 are now a unit.
The 400/5.6 ED-IF is very susceptible to vibrations and thus need much more sturdy tripod support than one might think.
I'm sure you are right, Bjørn, and my present tripod is something of a compromise. However, if I can be forgiven for quoting myself - this was from an email to another photographer-friend, earlier today -
"The VR was a revelation - it was too awkward to get the camera/ big lens/ tripod in and out of the car in one piece, and too slow taking the camera and lens
on and off the tripod-head all the time so I soon started trying to hand-hold. I tried to lean on something - anything - but often there was nothing suitable and I was
genuinely hand-holding. 9 out 10 ten are absolutely pin-sharp; razor-sharp. This lens has WAY the best VR I have ever experienced."
I love those classic lenses but I'm ready to take whatever help I can get, to make sharp pictures.